Sunday, February 8, 2015

Finding Your Soul in DC

A couple months ago, a good friend introduced me to SoulCycle, a spin class that is innovative, energetic and addicting. SoulCycle takes a whole new spin on spinning (pun intended). No two classes are ever the same- this is one of their values and I can tell you- it is so true. A class at SoulCycle includes crunches, modified push-ups and an arm workout with weights all while spinning to the beat. The room is dark, the music is loud, the energy is contagious and the instructors are motivational and inspiring (looking at their abs alone makes me want to work out!).  Each class has a different playlist, selected by the instructor that you’ll move to beat to. Throughout the 45 minute workout the instructors will push you, encourage you and challenge you.

The classes are a bit on the pricey side (about $30 a class, plus the DC exercise tax and shoe rental fee) but worth every penny. I go once a week to take a break from work, school and traveling to take the time to focus on me. I leave feeling renewed, refreshed and almost always find a new song I add to my workout playlist.

Some fun facts I learned in the 12:45 class with Garrett...

Today, 2/8/2015 is the 6-month anniversary of SoulCycle DC!

DC is one of the busiest SoulCycle studios. (It may even be the busiest. I can’t remember the exact wording; I was too busy trying not to fall off my bike after a kick ass workout.)

Yesterday alone, SoulCycle DC had 640 riders! (Incredible!)

Look out for more SoulCycle studios in DC.  I am super excited about this. I love taking classes and it can be difficult to get the time/ bike you want with so many riders signing up.

What to expect…

1.       Sign up for the week begins Mondays at noon. Popular times (weekends in particular) and instructors classes fill up fast. I suggest signing up right away.
New Riders: Sign up through the website and create your account.

2.       You purchase “rides” in advance. When you reserve your bike, the ride will come from your cart of previously purchased rides. ( Note: rides are location specific,   make sure you select the correct region when purchasing)

3.       You select your bike in advance. If you’re going with friends and want to ride together, plan the bikes ahead of time.

4.       Arrive 15 minutes early. Most classes have a wait list; if you’re running late you risk your bike being given away. If you find yourself stuck in traffic or parking, etc. give the front desk a courtesy call so they can save your bike for you.

5.       Setting up the bike. You will need to adjust the bike to make it fit you. The SoulCycle employees will be able to do this with/ for you.

6.       Mix it up, take classes with all instructors. It’s popular to have a “favorite “but try everyone. Each instructor has a different style, workout, music and tempo.

7.       Bring water. You’re going to sweat like crazy, you want to stay hydrated.

8.       The bikes require clip in shoes you rent at the front desk. Shoe rental cost $3. Unless you purchase your own, you’ll do this for every class. Tell the front desk representative your shoe size and bike. The $3 will be charged to the card you added to your account when you signed up. You have the option to pay cash as well.

9.       The locker room.  The studio has plenty of lockers for you to use while riding. You select a code and lock them- so no need to bring a lock.

10.   Did I mention you get to shop? SoulCycle sells clothing and it is a-ma-zing. Every month new designs are introduced so if you've been eyeing something for a while- don’t wait too long. It comes in a re-usable SoulCycle bag. 

 See for yourself:  

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