Wednesday, April 15, 2015

KeVita Probiotics

I am the first to admit that I often find myself in the "crazy drink" aisle searching for a new go to health drink. I stumbled upon the KeVita Sparkling Probiotic drink in Strawberry Acai Coconut and I'm officially obsessed. Before I explain why I love it so much, let me give a disclaimer that I am in no way a health professional and everything I am about to say  is solely based on my experience, opinion and some research. 

What's to love....

1. The taste. The ingredients are what first attracted me to the drink. Strawberry, coconut and acai... sign me up! It taste like sparkling water with a hint of coconut and a strawberry base. It is light and refreshing, making its easy to drink with meals and a refreshing option to cool you down. 

2. The benefits. As soon as I realized how much I enjoyed the drink,  I wanted to make sure it's as good for me as I assumed. I knew the label showed low sugar (1g per serving), low carbs (2g per serving) and only 10 calories per serving... but what does it actually do?

Probiotics are used to help with digestion, so I figured it would help speed up my metabolism and lose weight - is that true? I'm not sure but I can tell you that after my research I found multiple other reasons to drink the probiotic, mainly from the blog post 10 Reasons Everyone Needs Probiotics.  Some of the reason include:boosting your immune system, good bacteria to ward off unfriendly female infections, lowers bad cholesterol, lessens the harshness of a detox cleanse on your stomach, alleviate allergies and helps manage stress. Again, I am not a doctor but I can share that in my experience, this drink helps to boost my energy and leaves me feeling healthy and strong. 

3. The cost. Health drinks can be pricey, some reaching the $10 mark. This drink will give you the benefits without breaking the bank. I typically purchase the drink at Wegman's for about $3.50 with tax. 

What you should know: There are live culture in the drink, so when you see things floating around- don't be alarmed.  The drink is lightly carbonated, so shake the it lightly to blend the ingredients and avoid overflow when opening. 

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